How do I become a sampler?
Contact WWKY to indicate your interest and we will connect you with an in-person training opportunity or get you started with an online training presentation. Once you have completed this introductory course, you will be provided with sampling equipment and complete our sampler agreement form. Prior to each sampling event in May, July and September, you will be invited to register for participation. Additional sampling supplies, instructions and forms will be mailed to you in advance of the sampling event.
How often do I need to become re-certified to sample and keep my sampling equipment updated?
Watershed Watch asks that you complete a video or in-person recertification course every 3 years to make sure you are current and informed about most current sampling protocols. We will also notify you when your sampling kit chemicals are out-of-date and will send you new chemicals.
What do I need to do when I decide to stop sampling?
Notify our Volunteer Coordinator (joann.palmer@ky.gov) that you will no longer be sampling and make arrangements to return your loaned sampling equipment.
What happens with my sampling results?
They are received by your basin's data manager and reviewed for accuracy. Then, they are added to the WWKY data portal for public viewing. Your basin organization will notify you of their availability and may send you a summary of the results by email. The results are also compiled in other formats, including an annual Basin Data Report, Basin Report Card, and Data Presentation.
How can I find out who else is sampling in my area?
You can use the map function on the WWKY data portal to zoom to your sampling location and identify other sampling sites. You can also contact one of your basin representatives to inquire about other samplers in your area. These contacts should also be available on your basin-specific webpage. See basin webpage links on our homepage.
How do I report a water quality or other environmental concern?
Our Action page provides specific instructions on when and how to contact the Kentucky Division of Water regarding a water quality threat or concern.
How can I ask a different question or make a suggestion to improve Watershed Watch in Kentucky?
You can make these suggestions directly to one of your basin representatives or click here for general comments.