general ideas for putting your sampling results to use
The Watershed Watch organization is here to assist you with understanding, communicating and translating your findings to constructive action on your waterbody of interest. These general ideas may give you some inspiration for ways to use your newfound knowledge about local water quality to improve your stream, river or lake's conditions.
Click here to see our suggested next steps!
Watershed Watch Volunteer samplers are critical to protecting Kentucky's water resources because they are often the first to notice related concerns or threats. Our samplers are out and about, familiar with normal creek conditions, and have the training to recognize when conditions are deteriorating.
Regulatory agencies depend on conscientious citizens reporting problems when they find them, so that they can respond promptly to address and limit the damage. While stream conditions naturally fluctuate, there are instances when you may consider alerting the Kentucky Division of Water.
Click here for guidance on reporting a problem.
Success Stories
From Sampling to Action:
Several sampling efforts have led to group formation and grant funding or collaborative partnerships that have enabled water quality improvements.
Cane Run Watershed, Fayette County
Clarks Run Watershed, Boyle County
Hanging Fork Watershed, Lincoln County
Headwaters of North Fork Kentucky River
Red River Watershed, Estill, Powell, and Wolfe Counties
West Hickman Watershed, Fayette County
Wolf Run Watershed, Fayette County
Linking specific Water Quality Concerns with Solutions
In order to act on your water sampling results, it is important to consult with local residents, agencies and community leaders who are knowledgeable of historic stream conditions and land use.
It is also helpful to use the WWKY data portal, Google Earth, or other mapping tools to assess upstream and adjacent land uses. By using satellite imagery maps, you can better visualize land development and uses that may be affecting water quality at your sampling site.
Watershed Watch has developed a Menu of Water Quality Management Practices (or Best Management Practices) to help you identify some of the activities that can address water quality problems that you are finding through your sampling efforts. Click here to see recommendations by the individual water quality parameters that we assess.